The first step on your path to an anxiety free dental visit is to understand what Sedation Dentistry is and how it may benefit you. If the thought of a trip to the dentist makes you feel somewhat anxious, then you are not alone! Fear of the dentist in some form or another is reported in up 75% of people visiting the dentist. Let us introduce you to the facts of Sedation Dentistry at Monterey Dental Centre in NE Calgary.
After reviewing this information, you will be able to trust that our dentists are here to help you manage your dental fears and help you move forward on your path to oral health.
Our dentists make every effort to alleviate this stress. The first step on your path to an anxiety-free dental visit is to understand what Sedation Dentistry is and how it may benefit you. You can trust that our dentists are here to help you manage your dental fears and help you move forward on a path to optimal oral health.
We welcome you to book a consultation appointment to see if Sedation Dentistry is right for you!